Fibonacci Solutions

Built specifically for Social Care

Hospital Discharge

One of the biggest causes of hospital bed blocking is the delay due to discharge nurses needing to get social care information from the local authority.

At Gateshead for example, the local hospital has direct access to a set of dashboards and documents that gives them the information they need when they need it without chasing social workers, at any time including evenings and weekends.

The dashboards and documents are subject to detailed security and audit so the data is safe.

Single View

Single View provides a set of documents and dashboards to bring together data about a single client in one central place.

We can build and tailor Single View to your specific requirements and for your specific data sets.

We are proud to have recently partnered with Capita providing a Single View solution.

Strengthening Families

The Strengthening Families Programme (previously known as Troubled Families) requires bringing together information around 10 key factors surrounding a family, from a myriad of data sources.

Using our expertise in combining data across multiple database formats including Excel™ and text files, we have been supporting our customers throughout the phase 2 and phase 3 process.

Our solution for Supporting Families now includes a number of reports around key criteria, allocation monitoring, and maps to support authorities in their claims processing.

ERAS - Employee Risk Alert System

The Employee Risk Alert System (ERAS) allows workers to submit referrals when visiting properties and encountering issues that can affect their safety.

Managers are able to review cases, set recommendations, and workers can search the system and find out what they need before they visit.

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